Tuesday, May 27, 2008


One of the challenges I face with in supervising preschools is frequency of funerals. In Malawian villages, whenever there is a funeral, there is no preschool as teachers and committee members need to attend the funeral. And of course, there is no set date for funerals so I just need to rely on luck to pick a date for a particular school without a funeral.

Of all the preschools I supervise, there is one school, Mphatso preschool, that I have never been able to see its operation due to funerals. I've already visited 6 times and haven't seen anyone there yet.

Today too, was no exception. I had an appointment with Tiyanjane Preschool committee, its teachers, and the village chief at 2pm. It turned out that there was a funeral and the meeting got postponed to I don't know when.

Funerals are important so basically, there is nothing I can do about this situation.

Development work does take time indeed...

P.S I have no idea how but there is no option to post pictures.

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